Sunday, October 5, 2008

Quotes of love

"Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall." "Once you accept someone for who and what they really are, they will really surprise you by being better than you ever expected." "Know love, know happiness. No love, no happiness." "I love you not because I need you, But I need you because I love you." "Love is loving/ accepting a person with all his/her strength and weaknesses." "Never love a love that hurts, never hurt a love that loves." "Love is not for the one you love, it is for the one who makes you feel special, with whom you laugh, cry, share, with whom you are yourself, who makes a difference to your life, makes you feel... .love." "Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man." "Pain is to know that someone whom you love, is in love with someone else." "I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out." "Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have problems remembering how to fly." "If I had a star for each time I thought about you, I would have the entire sky in my hands." "Guys are like stars, they're millions of them, but only one can make your dreams come true!." "Don't fall in love with someone you can live with! Fall in love with someone you can't live without!" "Remember when you asked me who I liked and I said no one? What I really meant was no one but you!" "If I could come back in life as anything I would be one of your tears. What more could I want than to be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips?" "You may laugh because I'm different, but I laugh because you're ALL the same." "Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doin great until I ran out of stars." "You came from no where, and in no time got close.., not to me, but to my heart." "When two friends fall in love they learn they are meant for each other. When they fall out of love they realize they want to keep each other forever." "Love is not something that happens on first sight, it happens when you start knowing each other and in turn end up needing each other, for every feeling, for every thought and for every moment." "Missing you is'nt the hardest part, knowing I once had you and let go is breaking my heart!"

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